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Big cats cant actually purr lol still a good game tho!


Whether a cat species can purr depends on the species. This game features nine different cat species: Bobcat, cheetah, clouded leopard, cougar, jaguar, leopard, lion, snow leopard, and tiger.
Bobcats, cheetahs, cougars, and snow leopards purr (but cannot roar).
Jaguars, leopards, lions, and tigers do not purr (but can roar).
Some organizations claim clouded leopards can't purr while other organizations say clouded leopard can purr. There is video evidence of clouded leopards making a purring-like sound and the original claim that they don't purr goes back decades ago when there was less research on clouded leopards. For simplicity sake, I didn't include purring for clouded leopard in the game. (Most organizations claim clouded leopards can't roar so clouded leopards also do not roar in this game)


lack of females

females make men horny

0/10  for now


description literally says M/M


it literally says "gay M/M" dumbass


Are you serious? It says it's a gay game xD LOL!

Bro is an incel lolol also, you told someone to kill themselves because I were mad a game wasn't free. What a lunatic